Centre of Biomedical Documentation

Biomedical documentation centre

The Centre of Biomedical Documentation at the A.O.R.N. “A. Cardarelli” performs scientific information activities aimed at healthcare professionals and doctors of the hospital and of other health services.

Among the aims of the Documentation Centre there is the promotion of continuous updating of healthcare professionals on the results of the scientific research and their applicability to the clinical practice through the review of scientific worldwide literature.

In detail, at the Documentation Centre is possible:

- to get answers about questions of clinical and pharmacological nature

- to perform bibliographic researches on arguments requested

- to find full-text of scientific articles selected by the users

- to plan regular updates for every topic and journal

At the request of each operator, are performed bibliographic researches online and after it, there is the selection of the most relevant abstract and the retrieving of full-text articles. The Centre is in contact with a series of Italian libraries, relating to the ACNP catalogue (national collective database of periodicals), which carries out the Document Delivery service free for charge or repaying the costs of photocopying and/or delivery charges. The users may contact the Centre of Documentation  personally (at the Centre of Biotechnology, X building), by telephone (081-7472037-2158) or by e-mail (documentazione@aocardarelli.it).

The instruments used by the Centre of Documentation and made available to users are:

1. multimedia room with 10 computers connected to Internet for consulting the main search engines:

-Pubmed (search engine operating on Medline)

- Google Scholar (general search engine concerning academic and scientific literature)

- UpToDate (source of clinical informations, evidence-based, constantly updates)

- Proquest (multidisciplinary resource that offers international academic journals, dissertations and Phd thesis, newspapers, newsletters, monographs).

2. Open access to the database: Medline plus (an information websites concerning health and medicine of the National Library of Medicine and of the National Institute of Health), Medscape (it contains informations constantly updatedand divided into medical specialities for the healtcare professionals and the public, moreover it provides links to on-line resources divided into disciplines and diseases), Cancer.gov (it contains informations about the tumours both the specialist and the patient), Toxnet (it allows the consutation of a chemical products dictionary and 7 toxicology database).

Activity of active information

The Centre of Biomedical Documentation has the objective to inform the “A.Cardarelli” hospital users and to improve the relationship between doctors and patients.

The necessity to inform and to teach arises from the observation that the patient can find difficult to understand the great quantity of health and diseases informations, in which comes in contact at the hospital (clinical terms, informed consent, etc.) or at home (mass media or internet).

As reported in literature, what the patient wishes to know varies according to his state of health. It can’t exist a core information package which applies to everybody, prepacked (as suggested the english health system); the materials supplied must contain informations according to the patient’s needs and to the socio-cultural reality, in which it works.

From 2001 the Centre of Biotechnologies is the promotor of the “the Information for the Patient”, project that provides:

-The preparation of information material relating to certain diseases, written with the collaboration of “Cardarelli” hospital medical staff, distributed to the patients checked into the hospital, or in specialist clinics and published on the Cardarelli hospital website in the accessible area to users.

-The organization of focus group, consisting in interviews with 10-15 patients who talks about their disease with their doctor, coordinated by a nurse and encouraged by some tutors to answer at simple questions inside an informal environment.

- The “role playing” achievement, that are representations in which the patients must play little representations about their disease problems.

Since 2001 until today, has been carried out training projects dedicated to different topics:

-Malignant Hyperthermia

-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

-Stem Cell Transplant



-Back ache



-Beta thalasseamia or Mediterranean aneamia

-Alzheimer’s disease

-Oncological reception

-Hpv Prevention for Men

-Diabetic Foot

-Multiple Sclerosis

-New Drugs Abuses

-Late-onset Hypogonadism

-Cervical cancer




-Avian flu

The Centre of Biomedical Documentation cooperates also with the scientific drafting of the “Cardarelli” Hospital web portal through, publishing news, Focus on diseases or actual topics in the biomedical sphere. The Focus carried out 10 in the years. The Documentation Centre was, in addition, committed in the development and the achievement of long-term projects described below:


In cooperation with Doctor Ciro Florio, responsible for U.O.S Degenerative Diseases of S.N.C., his collaborator, doctor Giorgia Mariscalco and Mrs Caterina Di Clemente (CPS INF), have carried out a multiple sclerosis brochure which has been distributed to the clinic patients.

Moreover, have been organised in the multimedia room of the Centre of Biotechnologies, some meetings (focus group) dedicated to the patients affected by multiple sclerosis. It was planned before the end of 2012, the organisation of a deepening congress dedicated to the disease, with particular regards to the nonconventional medicine and to the all complementary therapies which fascinate and draw the patient’s attention than the officials because of the complicity of mass media.


In cooperation with Doctor Eugenio De Feo, responsible of U.O.S. of Diabetology, already in 2010, was initiated an education project dedicate to the patients affected by diabetic foot. It has been carried out a brochure to distribute to the clinic patients and to the patients hospitalized for diabetic complications. It was initiated a programme ,sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which wants to verify the costs of diabetic foot desease.


In cooperation with Doctor Eugenio De Feo, responsible of U.O.S. of Diabetology and with his external staff members, Doctor Eliana Ragone and Doctor Alessandro Puntillo, was initiated a project dedicated to diabetic patients carriers of pumps, to direct them to a correct use of the device.

The project will be divided in various phases: telephonic or email contact with all patients (about 200)that  had implantedpumps at the Centre of Diabetology of Cardarelli Hospital; the administration of a simple questionary to understand the patient’s compliance level; meetings for small patients group in which reintroduce an alimentary education and a carbohydrates counter course; the sending by email of an alimentary diary compilated by the patient for 4 consecutivedays and sent back to the capable doctors. Compliance verification in connection with the glycated haemoglobin.


In cooperation with Doctor Emilio Manno, Responsible of U.O.S. of Obesity Surgery, will be carried out a brochure which shows the activity of the Simple Operational Unit and will be distributed to all hospital departments. Furthermore meetings E.C.M. about the Obesity Surgery will be organised and opened to internal and external operators of Cardarelli Hospital, other than the patients themselves.


In cooperation with Doctor Romualdo Russo, responsible of U.O.S. of Rheumatology of Cardarelli hospital, it has been carried out a brochure about the rheumatoid arthritis, which will be distributed to the patients related to the surgery. Moreover, some meetings (focus group) dedicated to the patients affected by rheumatoid arthritis are going to be scheduled to deepen some aspects of the desease as well as the diagnosis and the therapy.


As in previous years, in the course of 2012, refresher training courses will be organised about the use of internet and web, as computing resource, on the databases , on the bibliographic research’s mode and in addition on the consultation of scientific reviews.

Passive information’s activity

During 2012, the Centre of Documentation has begun an information campaign as one of the main objectives of Cardarelli hospital to publicise better the activities of Documentation Centre.

Scientific and training activity During 2011, a practical traineeship provided by the new order of the grad school in hospital pharmacy of the University of Naples Federico II has been hosted by the Centre.

Four graduate students have attended the centre, cooperating with the different activities provided for active and passive documentation and information of the patient.

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